Liver Protect Complet+ Detox Tea (gift)

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Liver Protect Complet+ Detox Tea (gift)

Food Supplements

Clinically tested.

The liver filters everything that enters the body. They are a filter, a sewage treatment plant and a real chemical factory. When they are overloaded, the functioning of all other organs is disrupted. The liver is the basic metabolic organ most exposed to harmful substances.

✔️ Effectively detoxifies the body.
✔️ Helps remove toxins from the body.
✔️ Helps reduce fat deposits around the abdomen.
✔️ Helps better digestion.
✔️ Helps strengthen the immune system.
✔️ Improves well-being.
✔️ For more energy.
✔️ It is recommended for all adults at least once a year.

Created according to the formula of dr. Tomislav Majić. It contains natural and healing active ingredients.

Liver Protect Formula 1 is a combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Liver Protect Formula 2 contains extracts of Chinese schisandra, grape seeds and milk thistle in phytosomal form.

Quantity: formula 1 –  Net weight: 16,8 g, 30 capsules  formula 2 – Net weight: 32 g, 60 capsules

Original price was: 71.50 €.Current price is: 54.80 €.

Your price: 54.80 

Discount price: 54.80  54.80  -1020%

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Celosten pristop k razstrupljanju in obnovi jeter. Izdelek brez naslova (31)Jetra so filter, čistilna naprava in prava kemijska tovarna. So osnovni presnovni organ, ki je najbolj izpostavljen škodljivim snovem. Zaradi sodobnega življenja v telo vnašamo veliko strupov, ki se kopičijo v telesu. In jetra imajo vlogo prečistiti kri vseh strupov. Filtrirajo vse, kar pride v telo. Ko so preobremenjena, je moteno delovanje vseh drugih organov.Čiščenje jeter liver biostileLIVER PROTECT vsebuje izvleček pegastega badlja, ki pomaga pri zaščiti celic v jetrih ter ohranja normalno delovanje jeter1. Pripomore k boljši prebavi ter obnovi in razstrupljanju jeter in telesa2.1EFSA Botanical claims on hold No.38212EFSA Botanical claims on hold No.4481


Izdelek je nastal v sodelovanju s specialistom za notranje bolezni in kardiologom prim. Tomislavom Majićem dr. med. Liver Protect sestavljata formula 1 in formula 2. Formuli delujeta vzajemno in se dopolnjujeta.Izdelek brez naslova (26)

Simptomi, da jetra ne delujejo pravilno:

✔️težave pri koncentraciji ✔️kronična utrujenost ✔️anksioznost ✔️depresija ✔️simptomi alergije ✔️srbečica ✔️glavobol ✔️hipertenzija ✔️glavobol ✔️utrujenost ✔️bolečine v mišicah ✔️zmedenost ✔️čustveno neravnovesje ✔️kožne spremembe


Intervencijska, randomizirana klinična študija je vključevala 120 oseb, ki so testirali Biostile Liver Protect® Complet in 4 druge izdelke, za obdobju 8 tednov.Študija je poskušala prikazati učinke vsakega dodatka na metabolni sindrom (na primer: LDL holesterol, visceralno telesno maščobo) pri prekomerno težkih in debelih odraslih. Preiskovanci so bili vsi zdravi posamezniki z ITM med 12 in 30 kg/m2. Vsi so morali slediti tudi restriktivni dieti.S študijo so želeli prikazati učinke posameznega prehranskega dodatka na parametre metaboličnega sindroma


✔️Izguba teže do 3,2 kg ✔️Zmanjšan ITM (indeks telesne mase) do 1,14 ✔️Zmanjšana visceralna maščoba za do 0,62 enote ✔️Skupni holesterol znižan za do 0,35 mmol/L✔️6x manj trebušne maščobePEGASTI BADELJŠISANDRAIZVLEČEK GROZDNIH PEŠK


Poleg kompleta Liver Protect Complet dobite še darilo Detox čaj, ki vsebuje 30 vrečk ter zadostuje za cel mesec. 

40% udeležencev je poročalo o boljšem počutju, boljši redni prebavi, manjši napihnjenosti in rednem odvajanju blata.


Celosten pristop k razstrupljanju in obnovi jeter.


Formula 1


Priporočen dnevni odmerek (1 kapsula) vsebuje:
sestavina količina% dnevno
Holin 100 mgn.d.
L-arginin 100 mgn.d.
L-karnozin 100 mgn.d.
Tavrin 100 mgn.d.
Sojin lecitin 50 mgn.d.
R-alfa lipojska kislina 10 mgn.d.
Vitamin B6 2 mg143%
Folna kislina 200 μg100%
Vitamin D3 5 μg100%
Vitamin B12 2 μg80%
* Priporočen dnevni vnos, glede na Uredbo (EU) št. 1169/2011, n.d.-ni določen
Sestava Formula 1: L-arginin, holin bitartrat, L-karnozin, tavrin, sojin lecitin, R-alfa lipojska kislina (R-ALA), vitamin B6 (piridoksin), folna kislina, vitamin D3 (holekaciferol iz jelenovega lišaja Cladonia rangiferina), vitamin B12 (kobalamin), pomožni snovi (magnezijev stearat in silicijev dioksid), kapsula (HPMC – hidroksipropilmetilceluloza).

Formula 2


Priporočen dnevni odmerek (2 kapsuli) vsebuje:
sestavina količina% dnevno
Izvleček sadeža kitajske šisandre (Schisandra chinensis) 400 mgn.d.
– od tega šizandrini vsaj 4 mgn.d.
Silimarin fitosom (Siliphos® Silybin Phytosome®) 200 mgn.d
 -od tega silibin 66 mgn.d.
Izvleček grozdnih pešk (Vitis vinifera) v fitosomu (Leucoselect® Phytosome®) 50 mgn.d.
– od tega oligomerni proantocianidini vsaj 15 mgn.d.
Izvleček grozdnih pešk (Vitis vinifera) 50 mgn.d.
– od tega oligomerni proantocianidini vsaj 47,5 mgn.d.
* Priporočen dnevni vnos, glede na Uredbo (EU) št. 1169/2011, n.d.-ni določen
Sestava Formula 2: Izvleček sadeža kitajske šisandre (Schisandra chinensis), izvleček sadeža pegastega badlja (Silybum marianum) – silimarin v fitosomu iz sojinih lipidov (Siliphos® Silybin Phytosome®), izvleček grozdnih pešk (Vitis vinifera) v fitosomu iz sojinih lipidov (Leucoselect® Phytosome®), izvleček grozdnih pešk (Vitis vinifera), pomožne snovi (mikrokristalna celuloza, magnezijev stearat, silicijev dioksid), kapsula (HPMC – hidroksipropil metilceluloza).

Detox čaj


Sestavine količina% dnevno
Listi pravega čajevca (Camellia sinensis)65%
Listi poprove mete (Mentha × piperita)5%
Navadna melisa (Melissa officinalis)5%
Šipek (Rosa canina)5%
Listi perile (Perilla sp.)5%
Listi lotusa (Nelumbo nucifera)4%
Bambusovi vršički (Bambusa sp.)3%
Kopriva (Urtica sp.)2%
Janeževo seme (Pimpinella anisum)2%
Korenina regrata (Taraxacum officinale)2%
Cvet rožlina (Alcea rosea)2%


Priporočene dnevne količine oziroma odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom!Shranjevati pri temperaturi do 25°C, zaščiteno pred vlago in svetlobo.Izdelek brez naslova (26)

Food supplement with two kinds of formulas.

Liver Protect Formula 1 is a combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Liver Protect Formula 2 contains extracts of Chinese schisandra, grape seeds and milk thistle in phytosomal form.

Health claims:

Choline contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function and normal lipid metabolism.

Choline, folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism.

Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal red blood cell formation and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contributes to normal psychological function and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, normal cysteine synthesis and regulation of hormonal activity.

Folate, vitamin D and vitamin B12 have a role in the process of cell division.

Folate contributes to normal amino acid synthesis and normal blood formation.

Vitamin D contributes to normal blood calcium levels, normal function of the immune system and the maintenance of normal muscle function.


Formula 1 : L-arginine, choline bitartrate, L- carnosine, taurine, Soy lecithin, R- alpha lipoic acid (R-ALA), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from reindeer lichen Cladonia rangiferina), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate and anhydrous silica), capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) Recommended daily dosage (1 capsule) contains:
Choline100 mgn.d.
L-arginine100 mgn.d.
L-carnosine100 mgn.d.
Taurine100 mgn.d.
Soy lecithin50 mgn.d.
R-alpha lipoic acid10 mgn.d.
Vitamin B62 mg143 %
Folic acid200 µg100 %
Vitamin D35 µg100 %
Vitamin B122 µg80 %
  Formula 2 : Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) fruit extract, milk thistle (Silybum marianum) fruit extract associated with phospholipids from soy (Siliphos® Silybin Phytosome®), grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract associated with phospholipids from soy (Leucoselect® Phytosome®), grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract, microcrystalline cellulose, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate and anhydrous silica), capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose). Recommended daily dosage (2 capsules) contains:
Schisandra fruit extract400 mgn.d.
-Schizandrins min4 mg 
Milk thistle fruit extract associated with phospholipids200 mgn.d.
-Sylibin66 mgn.d.
Grape seed extract associated with phospholipids50 mgn.d.
-Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC)15 mg 
Grape seed extract50 mgn.d.
-Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) min47,5 mgn.d.
*Nutrient reference values for adults, based on Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011, n.d.-not determined DETOX TEA Green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) Nettle leaves (Urtica sp.) Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Rosehip (Rosa canina) Acai berry (Euterpe badiocarpa) Anise seed (Pimpinella anisum) Hollyhock flower (Alcea rosea) Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) Fiel horsetail (Equisetum arvense)


The recommended daily amount or dose should not be exceeded.

A food supplement does not replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Keep out of reach of children!

Store at a maximum temperature of 25°C, protected from light and humidity.